Audrey Tautou who plays the role of Coco Chanel plays it close to perfection, she glides through the role confidently. The other actor who also stood out was Alessandro Nivola who plays the role of 'Boy' Coco Chanels love.
The Film shows the life of Coco Chanel before she became the fashion icon that she is today.She turns from a orphan to a humble sewer who works in the back of a tailor shop sticking up old hems, to become one of the worlds most successful designers.
She completely changed fashion as it was known, to something new and exciting. She was an incredible stubborn and directed women which allowed her to have such a successful career even if her private life ended to be incredible sad.

The filming of this I thought was exceptional with a subtle concentration on the clothes. My favorite image of which i cant find to show you was when Audrey Tautou was lying on rich coloured Autumn leaves under a tree and the camera came down on her. The contrasting colours of herself and the leaves is incredible and the angle of the filming also engaged me.
This film is not only engaging due to the fact of Coco Chanels incredible life but is also a love story. It ticks all the boxes for a fantastic film and is well worth going to see.
I came out of this film with a feeling a warmth inside of me. I found it so refreshing to go and see a film that wasn't full of special effects and garish stuff going on. She is truly an inspiring lady.