This book is interesting if you are interested in design, however I do feel some of the designs are not good enough to be there, but this is personal opinion. I also like the way that it gives you where to find them, as there is nothing more annoying than seeing something you like and not being able to find it. It also includes interviews from thirty-three designers. I will not give away the questions or the answers but their are some intriguing questions which are answered with some interesting opnion's.
Below I am going to show you some of the designs which caught my eye.
This by Hulger (Nicolas Roope) P*Phone answers the question 'Why does design always have to look forward rather than back?' They come in a variety of colours and as described in the book as 'a playful antidote to often soulless technology.' I loved this idea and will definitely look in to getting one myself!
This Flapflap Lamp caught my eye because there is nothing different to a normal light they have just used what comes with a normal lamp slightly differently. I thinks its ingenuous because it makes you smile!
Here I have just shown two of the designs that stood out to me, I do believe however that seeing designs in real life would give me a whole different onlook, and I think my favorite designs could be completely changed and different.