Mortar, wood, steel and foam board
Dimensions variable

Mortar, wood, steel and foam board
Dimensions variable
This exhibition was exhibition of the week in Time Out magazine and this is where it caught my eye. From a first glance it reminded me alot of Andy Goldsworthys work of which I love. The exhibition takes place on the top two floors of a underused multi-story car park in Peckham Rye.
Molly Smyth
Work in progress
Dimensions variable
Work in progress
Dimensions variable
It has been turned into an incredible Sculpture Park with 17 works by young artists. One of the best things about this Sculpture Park is that you also get an incredible view across the whole of London which I can imagine would add to the sculptures greatness.
Work in progress view over london
Dimensions variable
Work in progress view over london
Dimensions variable
I would of loved to see this Sculpture Park. After doing a great deal of sculpture when I was younger it always interests me especially this kind. So if you get the opportunity please go and tell me how it was!
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